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Do you want to be a CCF reporter?
by staff writer, Request for submissions

Read a great book & tell us about it!Would you like to read books and tell us about it. Would you like to be a CCF reporter and have your book reviews posted to the Children Come First website? 

For your book review you can pick any of the books we list under the award winners category. There are all types of books in these lists. Pick one and read it or have someone read it to you. Then, in your own words, write a short [under 200 words] book review and send it to us using the form at the end of this page.

Read a great book and tell us about it!Your parents and your teacher or librarian would be able to help you choose a book and you can always write us for suggestions. If you already know of a great book that is not on the award winning lists then write us and tell us the title and author. We'll probably tell you it's ok to review it for us!

You would need your parents' permission to send your review in. Let them know that CCF does not post students' emails or last names on the book reviews we publish. Only your first name and the byline you send will post. Here's a book review from Rachel, a 7th grader. She read Walk Two Moons, by Sharon Creech. Ceeno44, a high school student, submitted his take on the Newbery Award Winner, The House of the Scorpion.

When we post the reviews to the CCF site we mention that the books should be available at your school and/or public library. As a service to visitors who want to purchase the reviewed title we post links to online stores where they can be purchased, including the CCF Store.

We would love for you to be a CCF reporter. So read a book and send your review in!

-The Children Come First Staff

CCF Book Review Submission Form

Fill out this form and make sure your parents fill out the second part and click the "yes" button at the end of the form giving you permission to send your book review in. We will edit for length and let you know when the review is posted. You can then tell us if any other changes are needed. Thanks again and welcome! You're now an official CCF Reporter!


1. First Name:
2. City:
3. State:
4. Email:
5. School:
6. Grade Level:
7. Teacher's Name:
 8. Byline A short description of yourself:
9. Book title:
10. Book author:
11. Book review: Keep your review under 200 words if possible. Type it in another program and then cut and paste it in the space below. What is included in the review is up to you but don't give away endings or cliffhangers! Make your review intriguing and/or fun so others would want to read the book.


(this part of the form needs to be filled out by your parent or guardian.)
12. First Name:
13. Last Name:
14. Email:
16. Parents' consent: My child has my permission to send his/her book review to Children Come First to be posted to the CCF site.
17. Any comments? Additional comments by parent and/or student

 Submit this form to send your review to CCF.

 Clear this form and start over.

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