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Charter School Defies Odds: Thurgood Marshall Academy in D.C.
Few things are more gratifying to us than seeing how one generation can help the next generation succeed. On Aug 20, 2010, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools wrote: In recent weeks, three high-performing public charter schools were featured in local and national news. The Thurgood Marshall Academy in Washington, D.C., was profiled in a “CBS Evening News” segment titled “Charter School Defies Odds.”
Anna Fitzhugh Helps Kids with Learning Disabilities
There's a special place in our hearts for kids of all ages who struggle with learning disabilities, reading difficulties and dyslexia. CCF celebrates those who are making a difference in these kids' lives. One such person is Anna Fitzhugh.
25 most provocative questions in science
On November 14, 1978, the New York Times published its first issue of Science Times. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Science Times, the newspaper editors selected 25 of the most provocative questions facing science. Here are the 25 questions, linked to articles in the NY Times website.
Audiobooks: An educator's response
Yes, kids do need to physically practice their reading skills-- but for those who find reading an awful chore, I strongly advocate letting them listen to an audiobook as a reading assignment.
Great activities for children from ideanerd.com
When we discover what we consider to be great resources parents, teachers and educators can use to build into children's lives the love of learning we like to share them with CCF site visitors. ideanerd.blogspot.com/ is one such resource and Zack Johnston is the educator who's put it together.
Are Audiobooks Cheating Our Children?
What are your thoughts on using audiobooks with kids? We'd love to hear from you: Read the article and share your opinions and experiences with audiobooks by writing to us via our contact form.
Eyes and Ears Understand Differently
PITTSBURGH--A study by Carnegie Mellon University scientists shows that because of the way the brain works, we understand spoken and written language differently, something that has potential implications in the workplace and in education, among many other areas.
Texbooks Available as Free Downloads
October 2, 2006
Freeload Press has purchased Textbook Revolution.
The companies joined forces to reduce textbook prices and bring greater services to students and other learners.
How to Go to College Almost for Free
April 13, 2005
How to go to College Almost for Free is the
ultimate scholarship toolbox with four essential scholarship resources--an
aggressive "how-to" guide that teaches the techniques of top scholarship
winners, a directory of scholarship prizes, and a library of winning essays,
applications, support letters and other sample materials.
Hispanic Scholarship Information
Scholarship Information: Hispanics
With costs of higher education going nowhere but up every little bit of financial aid helps. We'd like to compile lists of scholarships kids and their parents might want to apply to. Here is a list of scholarship programs specifically geared to students of hispanic heritage. Write and tell us of others you know about!
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