As they approached the alley they heard aloud scream of terror. They rounded the corner and came across a handsome man trapped in a rat trap. The two girls freaked out, but knew they had to help. They grew closer to the man.
Eliza decided to be friendly and help him out but when she bent down he grabbed her by the waist and covered his palm over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Mary froze in terror, not knowing weather to run or stay and help her friend. Mary had lived with her dad all her life and she knew what had to be done. She quietly sank into the darkness and knew the rapist wasn't paying attention. She snuck up behind him with a rope and knocked his head against a sharp piece of metal. Blood gushed from his head and the girls knew they were safe.
A few days later the man woke up in a dirty jail cell with a guard on the other side. He knew in just a few more days he would be dead or in prison for life. Now you know why his raping days are over.
Charlsa H. is a 17 year old 11th grader from De Leon, TX, who loves her family and friends.
© 2009 Charlsa H. Original for CCF. Charlsa H. grants CCF first electronic rights for one month; CCF may archive the material indefinitely and include it in an eBook anthology.
* CCF does not publish students' last names on the work they submit for publication.