We've discovered and now sell at the CCF Store one of the most magical little gadgets we've come across in a long time: the Solar Powered Rainbow Maker!
Put these in several windows throughout your home or
give them as gifts to friends & family
Solar powered: Attaches to window with suction cup
Genuine Swarovski crystal:
rotates and refracts sunlight to create rainbows
Dimensions: 6" x 2" x 1"
Beautiful rainbows will dance around your room!
This is a beautiful little gadget we've discovered. It sounded too good to be true so we ordered them from the manufacturer and have used one in the office for the past several weeks. It's adorable!!! When sunlight hits the solar cell it makes the plastic gears turn and they, in turn, make the Swarovski crystal rotate ...filling the room with dancing rainbows of light that move all over the walls, going all over the place. The beautiful rainbows show up in various sizes depending on where the sunlight is hitting the crystal. This is a maintainence free little gizmo that'll delight both kids and their parents on an ongoing basis.
If you buy one of these little beauties from us write back and tell us how you like them! We've been receiving lots of notes from folks telling us how their children, their friends, and especially their kitty cats love chasing the rainbows around the room! :-)