Media Contact: Olgy Gary
Children Come First Presents Rainbow Editing™
Colorado Springs, CO – March 11, 2006 – Whether it's for the fourth draft, fourteenth draft, or fortieth draft, Rainbow Editing™, scheduled for March 18, 2006, can help writers find the patterns that bog down their writing.
Children Come First is pleased to present Rainbow Editing™, by Dawn Smit Miller, as part of their ongoing series of writing workshops designed to assist both published and yet-to-be-published writers perfect their art with an eye toward publication.
Using Rainbow Editing™, the writer's best friend—the computer—and pages from their own manuscripts, writers will learn how to highlight writing patterns so that they practically jump off the page.
This Rainbow Editing™ Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 2006, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., at the Cheyenne Mountain Branch of the Pikes Peak Library District in Colorado Springs, CO [Click to view map of 1791 S 8th St]. Participants need to bring their own sack lunches.
Cost is $45 for the general public and $35 for students with valid IDs and members of writers organizations such as PPW or SCBWI. The cost of registration for the 4 hour workshop includes the Rainbow Editing™ book and macros. If you already own the book and macros then cost of attending the workshop is $15 less than prices quoted above.
Dawn Smit Miller is a writer and freelance editor who has been refining her Rainbow Editing™ technique for many years. Her science fiction novel Through Spiral Eyes was published in 2002.
Children Come First is a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion and production of educational materials and events for children, parents and educators.
For more information contact Children Come First.