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CCF Writer: An Online Writing Contest
Online Writing Contest
An online writing contest for both published and yet-to-be-published writers of all ages. You must use the "first line" we provide to write your story. Check out the RULES and submit your entry. Visit the CCF Contest Entries page to read past winning entries.
When Push Comes to Shove
Contest #200908
I dug my toes into the soft white sand and refused to move. My knees trembled and knocked, locking in fear and isolation as I stared out at the rushing waves. They were cackling and taunting as their fingers groped at the sand, wishing desperately that they could inch forward and reach me, consume me.
2009 Winning Contest Entries
Current & Past Contest Winners
We've listed the 2009 winning contest entries. Check out the RULES and submit your entry using the current entry form.
6 Steps to Writing Flash Fiction
*Previously published in ByLine, May, 2005, No. 288, reprinted by permission of the author.
"Whether they’re called blasters, postcard fiction, micro-fiction, sudden fiction, short shorts or flash fiction, the essence of the genre is the same. The writer quickly gets into the story, establishes setting and character, sets up the conflict, fills-in critical back-story, then heads faster than a speeding bullet toward the climax and resolution." --Paul Alan Fahey
PPW Fiction Contest: VIP Judges - complete list
Are you entering the Pikes Peak Writers Fiction Contest this year? Check out the list of VIP judges that Dawn Miller just posted to the PPW's listserv (and I'm copying below with her permission). That list is totally impressive! So, if you were thinking of submitting an entry and have yet to do so, you've got until November 15th to submit your entry.
My Two Worlds
Contest #200911
At last I was in Egypt, accompanied by my friend Tierra. The weather was fine. We were in Alexandria, on an educational tour of the Bibliotheque of Alexandria, the world's biggest library.
Contest #200911
At last I was in Egypt. I paced through the scorching land of sand. I went through sandstorms and dusty gales as my mind was captivated by its beauty. The story began a year prior to the visit when I, an archeologist, accidentally found some mysterious letter-like scriptures written in Hieroglyph in an Ancient Egyptians artifact. It took me a year to decipher the three page letter. The letter finally brought me to Egypt.
In the Eyes of Cleopatra
Contest #200911
I could suddenly see again. My vision was hazy, but I could make out a familiar looking woman. She was carrying a venomous, spitting asp on her hand. I looked around me. I was inside a structure with chalky bricks lining the walls and all kinds of treasure around me. The woman let the asp loose, and I watched helplessly as it latched onto my neck.
Contest #200911
At last I was in Egypt, and it was everything I imagined it to be. The intrigue of the passionate and secretive civilization excited me in a way that nothing back home ever had. As I wandered around the marketplace of Aswan aimlessly, I had an overwhelming feeling that I was here in this place, for a reason. The faces and the city, were strikingly familiar. I couldn't shake this feeling of déjà vu.
The Huge Persimmon
Contest #200910
As they approached the alley, Ghostan, Witchl and Vampirey smashed into a huge, round, mushy and orange object. At first, they though it was a rotten pumpkin. Then, something scattered past them. They turned on their flashlights and found that they'd smashed into a really big persimmon that had fallen from a huge persimmon tree. There were brown rats everywhere, chewing at the huge persimmon.